Causes For The American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
There where 3 major causes of the American Fight for Independence in 1776 to about 1783. The first cause was the Great Awakening. The second cause was Enlightenment. The final cause of the Revolution was Oppressive Treatment of the colonies. The first cause of the Revolution was the Great Awakening. For thousands of years, state controlled churches, and faiths had been the trend. If the King was a Christian, the Country, and all her people, where also Christian. …

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…favor of their own interests. The colonists where not even allowed a position in parliament, nor any other formal means of representation in England. There where 3 major causes of the American Fight for Independence in 1776-1783. The first cause was the Great Awakening. The second cause was Enlightenment. The final cause of the Revolution was Oppressive Treatment of the colonies. These together promoted a military reaction among the colonists which eventually led to Complete Independence.