Cause and Effect: The Canadian Rebellions of 1837 and 1838.

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Essay Database > History > European History
The research in this proposal primarily focuses on the rebellions that took place in both upper and Lower Canada during 1838. The time line of this proposal will include events prior to the actual rebellions as they are significant to the understanding of the causes of these uprisings. In 1837 and 1838, insurrections against the British colonial government arose in Lower and Upper Canada. Moderates hoped to reform the political system, while radicals yearned for a restructuring of …

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…can be placed on these rebellions rather an only study of individual reactions from individual interests. Many factors played a role in these rebellions including the agricultural crisis, rise of nationalism, desire for an independent state, the corrupt seigniorial system, an unresponsive government not willing to cooperate, as well role of individual personalities and class struggles. The ramifications of the Canadian insurrections during 1837 and 1838 would unite two nations and change the future of Canada forever.