Caught Between THE ROCK and a Hard Place

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Sean M Fritz March 5, 1999 English 1101 Caught Between The Rock And A Hard Place In the summer of 1996, I went to see The Rock starring Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, and Ed Harris. I chose this particular movie because I liked it and I own the videocassette. When I sat down and watched the movie for this assignment, I was looking for these three criteria: stars, content, and a favorable story line. The stars of this movie …

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…no nudity. If you are looking for an action packed movie this is the one for you. This movie has edge-of-your seat suspense and unstoppable action from beginning to end. I saw the movie The Rock for the first time in the movie theaters and I thought it was a great action film. I was so impressed, when it came out on video I bought the cassette. I have enjoyed watching it several times since.