Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut: Discuss the effectiveness of this book

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Essay Database > Literature
I think that any novel can be only so effective, because usually only the people who share, for the most part, the authors views will read it. Is that not why we read? Others read to feel self-reighteous outrage. That is to say that most people read with their set of beliefs already formed, and their opinion of the viewpoints of the author remains the same, only their opinion of the author changes. The only …

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…not it is true, but whether or not it is the foma that makes us "brave kind healthy and happy"; whether or not it works. It makes us realize what fools we are. <Tab/><Tab/>"They won't fight unless you keep shaking the jar. And that's what Frank was doing, shaking, shaking the jar." It makes us realize that we are all just bugs in a jar.