Cato: Patriot or Tyrant
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Essay Database > History
CATO: Patriot or Tyrant
Marcius Portius Cato, commonly referred to as Cato the Elder or Cato the Sensor was definitely a significant figure in Roman History during the 2nd and 1st Centuries B.C. However, his role remains ambiguous; was he a man of the people, a power hungry tyrant or just a stubborn politician who liked to antagonize people more powerful than he was. He is usually remembered for being very
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was even said he would have them executed if they did not fulfill a task to his standard at times. In general Cato was very conservative politician. He wished for the Republic to return back to the Rome conducted under the old values. However, even at times where he was harsh in his judgement or made a decree that was unpopular, he had the goal of securing stability, security and peace for the Roman Empire.
was even said he would have them executed if they did not fulfill a task to his standard at times. In general Cato was very conservative politician. He wished for the Republic to return back to the Rome conducted under the old values. However, even at times where he was harsh in his judgement or made a decree that was unpopular, he had the goal of securing stability, security and peace for the Roman Empire.