"Catcher in the Rye" analysis

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Holden, the main character, creates many different relationships with all the people he encountered, whether it is with friends, family, or teachers. Relationships within families are often the hardest things to maintain on good levels. Holden's older brother has a confined and busy schedule and yet is able to fit his family in it when he comes to visit at least once a week even though Holden believes that he is selfish and heartless. Early …

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…being able to cope with Allie's death and the fact that everything that changes around him causes problems it is easily seen that Holden doesn't deal well with change. To him, if nothing changes, there is no more disturbances which sounds great to him because if you don't have to deal with them then he will not ever become a phony person. The biggest fear Holden has is to become a "phony" like everyone else.