Catch 22

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Dehumanization of Man Catch 22, which was written by Joseph Heller in 1961, is an accurate zeitgeist novel that portrayed the feeling of the counter culture in the United States that was coinciding with events such as the Korean and Vietnamese Wars. Catch 22 takes place in Italy during World War II and the novel follows around the main character, Yossarian, who is as sane as one can be situated in an insane world. While Yossarian is …

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…their bodies, their minds, their lives, and even their deaths. Commanding Officers in the military play the role of God over their fellow humans all at a cost to maintain power over the people. The only way the Army can continue its dominance of dehumanization is to destroy the individual. The fact that Yossarian does not cooperate with them, and does not allow his individual characteristics to be destroyed helps him prevail in the end.