Case study paper for Borderline Personality Disoder. Shows an actually sitiution of a person with BPD.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Elizabeth is an attractive, witty, very intelligent 23 year old woman, who was physically abused by her father, and witnessed many serious physical fights between her mother and father, until they divorced when she was 8. She is now severely depressed. She yearns for something that will set her apart from the rest of the world, something that will let everyone know that she was there, that she existed. She feels bored or empty inside, and mentions …

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…Borderline Personality Disorder, given that she experiences all 9 of the above mentioned criteria, when only 5 are necessary for a such a diagnosis. Because of her frequent suicidal threats, Elizabeth has been in and out of psychiatric inpatient hospitals, at least 5 times, within 4 years. Though she finds it very difficult at times, she does work with her doctors and therapist to improve her behavior, in hopes of living a better quality of life in the future.