Case brief on 5th amendment

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Case brief on 5th amendment FACTS: A federal grand jury in South Dakota is investigating possible criminal violations of the Clean Water Act, at a corporation's wastewater treatment facility. Two former employees have pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to violate the Clean Water Act, and the grand jury investigation includes whether senior corporate officers may be criminally liable as "responsible corporate officer". ISSUE: Does the individual have a valid basis to assert the Fifth Amendment …

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…from a practical standpoint, for the Court to require the production of these documents? The necessity to see if officials knew violations were taking place or if they could have had an idea to avoid any wrong doings. So also, to check if, they are following the Clean Water Act regulations of 1972 and how they achieved these goals of compliance. MODUPE SALAMI" <> MBAHCM.11-06.MHCX162A-LAW529