Case Study Of Lake Hotel, where the hotel is not having much sales and how to improve these sales to obtain profits. Assume data as required.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
INTRODUCTION The lake hotel is a hotel situated 20 miles away from the city centre. The hotel has does not have an investment from five years and the care of the hotel has not been taken by its staff resulting in the poor appearance of the Lake Hotel. Also, the guests coming in the hotel are not satisfied with the poor service and facilities. As an Assistant to the Manager, I am preparing this report so …

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…amp;lt;Tab/> 3) Martin Robert J, Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1998, New York, USA. 4) Schneider Madelin, Tucker Georgina and Scoviak Mary, The Professional Housekeeper, 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1999, New York, USA. 5) Mill Robert Christie, Resorts: Management and Operation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2001, New York, USA. 6) Wagen Lynn Van Der, Professional Hospitality: Core Competencies, Global Books and Subscription Services, 2002, New Delhi, India.