"Casablanca" Critique

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Casablanca" is a picture starring Humphrey Bogart, and Ingrid Bergman. Bogart is playing the cynical Rick, and Bergman is the amazingly beautiful Isla. The setting for the picture is the unoccupied French Morocco city of Casablanca, during World War II. Thousands of refugees have fled Europe and many pass through Casablanca, on their way to America. "Casablanca" is a story of lost love found again, during the hardest of times. Rick is one of the …

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…movie will relate to anyone who has ever been in love. I wish the movie were in color because during the flashback I had a difficult time telling whether or not Isla was really wearing blue. I don't think you should describe something in color, then when you show the flashback you can't tell whether it is blue, black or green. This movie is definitely worth watching again and I rate it an 8 out of 10.