Casablanca - Movie Review and Analysis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The film is about Casablanca, Morocco during WW II. This is the place where rich Europeans have fled to escape the war. Corrupt officials, crooks and dubious fortune-seekers try to profit from the refugee's desperate situations. German couriers get killed and Letters of Transit signed by General DeGaulle are for sale. An underground movement leader who had escaped from a concentration camp and had been chased through Europe by the Nazis wants to buy the …

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…rbles the famous "As Time Goes By." Bergman is simply wonderful as Ilsa. There's so much to like about her portrait of a woman who has to choose between the man she loves and the man whose cause she believes in. It's a complex performance which she manages respectfully. "Casablanca" will be around long after you and I have left this place, and will continue to please and thrill audiences in the future. It's timeless.