Cartoon controversy of Hazrat Muhammad

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Cartoons Controversy The cartoons of Mohammed first appeared in a Danish paper Jyllands-Posten in September. Islam forbids depictions of Mohammed and many Muslims were furious at the drawings, one of which shows the religious figure wearing a turban shaped like a bomb. Some other European papers later published some of the cartoons, as a way of covering the controversy and also, some papers said, as a matter of freedom of expression. Two small weekly Jordanian …

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…be frightened of when it comes to Islam. We should concentrate on propagating the truthful picture, both in words and more importantly in actions. It is the duty of the Muslim state to pass balanced legislations, which on the one hand should strongly discourage people from making any uncalled for comments regarding the revered personalities of its citizens (whether Muslims or non-Muslims), while on the other, saves its citizens from becoming targets of hate crimes.