Carrie Movie to book compariso

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Carrie When a reader is fortunate, an author is able to construct a character in such a way that the reader is led through the events befalling a character, both positive and negative. A director can bring a character to life and give a character a personality that everyone is able to disguise. In the case of Stephen King's "Carrie" terror is brought to the readers mind as they experience years of built up rage …

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…rage, hate and suppression will shake anyone's mind. Being able to take a novel that has great recognition and appeal, and turn it into a successful and well known movie, while also staying true to the authors original plot and characterization, is one of the most difficult tasks to have ever been successfully achieved in novel to film transition. Carrie is a thrilling and dramatic novel, which has been successfully taken to the big screen.