Carpetman's Song By Farrell Foreman

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Carpetman's Song The serious tone in Carpetman's Song begins in the first paragraph where he describes himself as internally being many people as far as nationality goes, while still being only one person. He can also be flexible with people such as compromising with them to come up with solutions in everyday life. He is a strong person but can be soft at times in personality and in physical appearance. He sees himself as a …

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…His innocence of being a child were dimmed as he quickly became an adult due to racism. He states, "I am known to be jovial, humble Not to be confused with Stupid and docile." Jovial and humble gives me the sense of his good humor and good-natured spirit. However, he is seen as stupid and docile, a perception of stereotype put on him by others who mistakenly take his behavior as being brainless and useless.