Carpe diem

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Carpe Diem Do you live for today, or worry about tomorrow? If you live for today you follow the ideals of Carpe Diem, which is defined as seize the day. Many people and lifestyles follow these ideals and, they do not worry about tomorrow. <Tab/>In The Passionate Shepherd, Marlowe shows seizing the day by thinking of everything beautifully. To him nothing seems bad or negative. The shepherd wants to live …

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…about what was going to happen tomorrow, I would live miserably thinking about every bad thing that could happen in life. Instead, I think about all the joys that will happen today. <Tab/>All of these poems embody Carpe Diem in their own way. They are similar in ways, but also very different. Even though, they are about different subjects, they all live for today, and let tomorrow worry about itself.