Carol Shields-The Stone Diaries

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Life in the Eyes of Carol Shields Through the writings of Carol Shields, "one is not only reminded of why literature matters, but also why individual lives, and forces which make up those lives, matter a great deal"(Jacobs). Carol Shields, a woman born and educated in Oak Park, Illinois in 1935, and immigrated to Canada in 1957, has marked herself in history through her award winning novel, The Stone Diaries. Through her style of writing, use …

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… 4. Penfield, Wilder. "Author Shields Wins Pulitzer", Toronto Sun. 5. Delese, Wear. Shields, Carol: The Stone Diaries. July 09, 1995. 6. Marta, Jan. Shields, Carol: The Stone Diaries. August 16, 1996. http// 7. Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries. Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. 1993. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**