Carl Sandburg:Artist and Poet of the 1900's Comments: My teacher asked me for a strict analysis of Carl Sandburg not necessarily a biography.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Carl August Sandburg:Artist and Poet of the 1900's Carl Sandburg, a poet of the early 1900's, wrote about Chicago, war, and other witty, simple facts of life. Born to two poor Swedish immigrants he decided early on this poor lifestyle was unfitting, and so he quit school at the age of thirteen to get a job in journalism. He was twenty-four when he received his first job as a journalist in Milwaukee. This gave …

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…free verse poetry. In the poem Who Am I? the line, " I reach my hands and play with pebbles of destiny," is a primary example of this imagery. Overall Carl Sandburg made a great impression on literature and all poets. He stepped away from tradition and wrote not only poetry, but wrote the preferred biography of Abraham Lincoln. This and his many other accomplishments make him not just an excellent poet but an admirable journalist.