Carl Sandburg.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Carl August Sandburg born Jan. 6, 1878 was a poet, writer, and folk musician. He was born in Galesburg, Illinois. He had six siblings, and his father August Sandburg, was a railroad blacksmith's helper. His parents were hardworking Swedish immigrants. Carl's father used to work on the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy railroads in Galesburg. Carl's mother Clara Mathilda Anderson was employed as a hotel maid in Bushnell, Illinois. The prudent couple taught and instilled in their seven …

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…considerably similar. He carried poetry to "new horizons." He, many times, wrote of reality, which was not always what people wanted to read, but it was reality and it had to be dealt with. This is how his writing became so renown, because he dealt with what was real in the people's fantasy world. Sandburg was not afraid to express his true feelings and thoughts on people, society, nature, and life as he saw it.