Carl Friedrich Gauss info.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Carl Friedrich GAUSS(1777-1855), If looking in on Carl Gauss' life you would say it was pretty normal. Even though he was brought up in a limited childhood with a poor and uneducated family he showed out-of-the-ordinary intelligence. When he received a stipend from the duke of Brunswick at the age of 14 it allowed him to devote his time to his studies for 16 plus years. By the time his 25th birthday came around, he was …

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… standard deviation s =1, and the mean m = 0 and z = (X - m )/s according to the formula: Y = e-0.5z" Gauss made geodetic surveys, and applied mathematics to geodesy. Very rarely was a branch of mathematics or mathematical physics untouched by Gauss. His discoveries and insights pointed the way to much of the best mathematics of the later nineteenth century. He was indeed, as his many contemporaries called him, the "Prince of the Mathematicians".