Care sometimes involves moving from one place to another for different periods of time. With reference course materials discuss how such changes might affect a person's well being?

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Relocation can have negative physical and psychological effects on people. "People who have to leave their homes and families, and move into a nursing home experience lots of grief and loss." (Harker, 1997) In this essay I will discuss how moving from one place to another for different periods of time might affect a persons well being. Using relevant materials I will focus on the reasons why elderly people are relocated into nursing homes. I will …

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… (accessed 29th March 2004) K100 Course Team (1998) K100 Understanding Health and Social Care, Unit 4, Understanding Care relationships, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Kubler-Ross, E. (1969). On death and dying. New York: Macmillan. The New South Wales College of Nursing (1998), Available from (accessed 1st April 2004) Norman,A. (1980) Losing your home in Allot, M and Robb, M (1998) Understanding health and social care, London: Sage.