Capitol Punishment

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Bible has many stories we can share for different reasons. Rather it be Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, or David and Goliath, we use the stories for lessons in our lives. Capitol Punishment can also relate to one of the stories. The Villagers gathered with their stones. The Criminal was a woman who was convicted of adultery. As the villagers raised their hands ready to throw the stone Jesus came and stepped …

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…that it is not right to kill. Even the sixth commandment of the Bible says, “Thou Shall not kill.” Still we take the role in the judicial system and chose who lives and who dies. Not only are we being hypocritical to what we say our morals are, but we are also teaching our children that it is okay to kill certain people and it is by this that capitol punishment is still practiced today.