Capitalism and Ccmmunism.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Communism, is it really evil? In Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, he describes communism as the party that "fights for the interests of the working class", while in a capitalist society, the "living person is dependent and has no individuality"-----only capitalism is dependent and has individuality. That just is not the case of today's society. There are many differences between communist countries and capitalist countries through their economy, educational systems, and judicial systems. In a …

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…punishment that fits the crime in capitalist nations. Communism isn't totally evil, it has its benefits. But, it limits the freedom and individuality that make someone who they really are. Even though capitalism does satisfy individuality, it seems to tear away the many ideal moral values that people should have. Basically, there are many advantages and disadvantages to both capitalism and communism. However, the disadvantages of communism definitely outweigh all the positive aspects of it.