Capitalism Causing Chaos

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Essay Database > History
Donald Worster wrote about the causes of both the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression in his appropriately titled book, The Dust Bowl. In his book, Worster explains how the two disastrous events were actually connected by one major cause - - capitalism. As immigrants poured into American society in the early 1900s, the cities became more inhabitable, forcing many to move further inland. The relocation was not just to help supply the new immigrants …

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…a great amount of chaos in America, bringing it to its knees and lowest levels of economic despair and hardship. The people living in the United States would have never chosen to experience the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, but due to an uncompromising and manipulative ideology called capitalism, these inevitable phenomena will go down in infamous history. Bibliography Worster, Donald. The Dust Bowl; The Southern Plains In The 1930s. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.