Capital punishment needs to be abolished for it is manifestly unjust and there is disparity in sentencing.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Abolish Capital Punishment What is the outcome of capital punishment? Does it bring peace or happiness to a victim's family or does the victim regain his or her life back? Capital punishment, also referred to the death penalty, has been a controversial issue to the society for past decades. It is an ongoing debate that the society argues whether to be abolished or supported. In the United States, the country most characterized by the concept …

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…the executions has not declined, but it is rising every year. Which means, " Eye for an eye" method feeds the cycle of violence that never seems to stop. Everyone hopes for world peace and peace does not appear by communicating the message that killing is wrong by killing someone. It is without humanity. For these reasons, I absolutely think we should abolish capital punishment for it is manifestly unjust and there is disparity in sentencing.