Capital Punishment.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
The word "capital" in "capital punishment" refers to a person's head. In the past, people were often executed by severing their head from their body. Today, in the U.S., most prisoners are executed by lethal injection. The United States is one of the very few industrialized countries in the world which continues to execute criminals. Further, it is one of a handful of countries in the world which executes mentally ill persons, persons with …

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…proper way of responding to those who have wronged us. We do not believe that reinforcement of that idea can lead to healthier and safer communities." Killing a murderer does not bring his victim back to life. It achieves nothing but the death of still another person. Overall, their are peolpe who are for the system and people whom are against the system. Everyone has their own personal opinion. My opinion would be against it.