Capital Punishment misc5

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What is capital punishment? Capital punishment is the maximum penalty of a conviction. More than 4, 400 people have been executed since 1930. There is no way of knowing how many people have been executed in U.S. history because they used to be local affairs with nobody to record them. On the edge of the 21st century, Capital punishment is still one of the two most debated issues in the U.S., the other is abortion. This …

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…a effect on it. Religion, race, cost, and morals, but it is still used in America today. Many democratic countries have outlawed the death penalty and the U. S. probably should too. The Pope of the Catholic Church once said, “Only God has the Power to give and take life from someone.” This being true to most people, but the government and the American society have to decide whether or not to keep capital punishment.