Capital Punishment

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Capital punishment is a disgusting example of how stupid, ignorant and lazy our American society is. Society punishes victims (yes, "victims," of our corrupt system) for its own mistakes. It is a punishment that does not fit the crime because in most circumstances the "crime" was destined to happen, considering everything (and I would like to emphasize on the word "everything") that an individual has been through. If people are a product of their environment, …

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…them for our Aids and cancer research. Have them carry rocks. Anything! We could have more tax money to spend on people to keep them from committing crimes. The possibilities are infinite. Capital punishment is an expensive, lazy, waste of a human life, even for those who deserve it. Torture the ones who deserve it productively. Use them to better all of mankind. And rehabilitate the ones that need it, to better all of mankind.