Capacitor vs. Inductor.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
Capacitor vs. Inductor When most people think of an electronic device, they think that all it needs is a cord for it to work, but there is so much more through my eyes. Having over fifteen credits of electronics thus far, I learned to love it. I am currently in Elt 102, which deals with Ac circuits. One of the topics we spend most time with is inductors and capacitors. One may think that a capacitor …

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…have in common is that they both dissipate power, which means they both do a work. But the most important thing they share in common is that they both store energy. The capacitor and inductor might come of to be complete opposite of each other, yet they both have strong similarities. The next time you plug an electronic device into a power source, just remember that it most likely equipped with both capacitors and inductors.