Canterbury Tales

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What comes to mind when you think of a police officer? Someone honest, hard working, and a person who abides by the law. According to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the Summoner is "one paid to summon sinners to trial before an ecclesiastical court," or in other words a church cop. Just by reading the prologue description of the Summoner one can tell that he is of lower status and disliked. The tale he tells on the …

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…change. Chaucer put the Summoner as a character in his Canterbury Tales, for a very important reason. He represents the people in the world who are known as "scum." Everyone assumes that these people are corrupt and do not care whether or not what they do is against the law. In Chaucer's secretive way he tries to show that deep inside people like the Summoner are hoping and wishing that they could change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**