Canadian health care VS US health care

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Essay Database > Literature > English
One of the major differences between the U.S. and Canadian health care system is the payment system. In the United States, physicians are paid more for doing more, and the return on their time is higher if they perform a procedure than if they use their cognitive skills. Because of the fact that procedures often require hospital care, this approach translates into higher expenditures for hospital care. In Canada, Physicians operate under a system …

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…in the infan mortalitly and life expectancy statistics of the two nations. If there are no discernable differences, why are the Americans paying mor for the diversity and the extra services. But, on the other hand, would Canadians want a shorter stay, and an increase in tests and procedures, if they had the choice. Which system is actually better. The system that is better is the one that the specific society wants and adapts to.