Canadian Interest Groups

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Interest group representation in Canada identifies society's influence on the governing body and the policies decided upon in the legislative setting. The composition of interest groups has evolved over time and has lead to study of three distinct approaches to the power the representational groups have. The growth and change of interests in the Canadian state are dependent upon the structure between societal and government values. An interest group refers to "a group of individuals …

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…Cambridge University Press, 1973. Pross, Paul A., Group Politics and Public Policy. 2nd ed., Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1985. Seidle, Leslie F., ed. Equity and Community. Ottawa: Renouf Publishing, 1993. Thompson, Clive S., ed. First World Interest Groups. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1993. Thompson, Fred and WT Stanbury, "The Political Economy of Interest Groups in the Legislative Process in Canada," Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, Occasional Paper No. 9, viii. Young, Robert, ed. Stretching the Federalism. Kingston: Queen's University, 1999.