Canadian Democracy

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Pages: 9
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This paper will assess the condition, strengths and weaknesses of Canadian democracy in many different respects. It will evaluate how free and fair the electoral process is, if governments operate according to democratic principles, the extent to which minority rights are recognized and protected, and the ability of people to influence and control government. Furthermore, this paper will conclude by discussing if Canada is becoming more or less democratic and suggest what can be done …

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…deliberation is vital for improving the health of Canadian democracy. Like Winston Churchill once said, "The government is the servant of the people and not its master." Works Cited: Helena Catt. Democracy in Practice: London, Routledge, 1999. Chapter 1. Louis Massicotte. Changing the Canadian Electoral System in Strengthening Canadian Democracy. John Courtney. Is Talk of Electoral Reform Just Whistling in the Wind? in Strengthening Canadian Democracy. White G 2006. Lecture notes The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982.