Canadian Core Values

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > History > North American History
Canada's history has been forged by the core values held by Canadians. These values have changed throughout the past, due to certain events that have caused people to change their beliefs. Today, these values are much different from what they were half a century ago. Some of the common values held by Canadians today are peace, equality and freedom. Canadians have learned from their past and have changed their beliefs and values for the better. …

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…Canada has come to be what it is at present. It seems that for all of these core values, peace, equality, and freedom, Canada had to learn from past mistakes and correct them. Peace was the result of war, equality, the result of discrimination, and freedom emerged from oppression. Canadians have a come a long way but are still learning from their mistakes and will be doing so for a long time in the future.