Canadian Confederation 1867: Canada Becomes a Nation I failed to express earlier, that I was restricted to a one-page essay for each of these history essays

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One hundred and forty years ago, British North America was a territory separated politically into the following British colonies: Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and British Columbia. Unifying such a region into a single country was a challenge; however, it was achieved by thirty-three Fathers of Confederation." Among this group of exemplary politicians, Alexander T. Galt, Eaton Cartier, Charles Tupper, John Macdonald and George Brown played central roles. …

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…military forces were still largely commanded by the British army. However, the British North America Act did provide the new dominion with an opportunity to solve the problems that were plaguing its provinces for decades: religious differences, political instability, economic stagnation, and de-centralized military weakness. Confederation was one of the most prominent defining moments in Canadian history, because it provided Canada its beginning. Every individual knows that without a beginning, there can be no story.