Canadian Business Investment,- investing in an overseas country ( Canada ) for business expansion

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Canadian Business Investment TOPIC: <Tab/><Tab/> NAME: <Tab/><Tab/> SUBJECT: <Tab/><Tab/>International Business Expansion TEACHER: <Tab/><Tab/> WORD COUNT: <Tab/>845 DUE DATE: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and members on the panel. Over the last decade, technology has …

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…word. Diagram 2 With this brief overview, Canada as an option for business expansion looks promising with its many essential points all of which prove Canada is a favourable choice: Domestic market; wage competitiveness; work force quality; International business skills; raw materials; energy costs; infrastructure; business services and legal environment etc. And as Canada's already booming economy grows your business will benefit, I believe that Canada is the best and most beneficent choice for international expansion.