Canada's dirty, well-lit marijuana trade is rich, expanding ... and unstoppable.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
In the quiet countryside just outside Vancouver, B.C. an ambitious young entrepreneur surveys a blindingly bright room filled with lovely plants--dozens of stalks of high-power marijuana. Almost ready for harvest, they hold threadlike, resin-frosted pot flowers, rust-and-white "buds" thickening in a base of green-and-purple leaves. The room reeks of citrus and menthol, a drug-rich musk lingering on fingertips and clothes. "There's no way I won't make a million dollars," says the entrepreneur, David (one-name …

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…rs]. No way we could track them all." At this point he supports legalization, if only so he can concentrate on Vancouver's growing crack problem. "If it wasn't for pressure from the U.S., we'd just regulate this," saysWoods, who has all of six agents pursuing the pot trade. Investing millions more in a crackdown may be of little consequence, he adds. "You could give me a hundred people, and it wouldn't make a difference."