Canada's Economy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Foreign trade has always been a huge part of Canada's economy. It contributes to 40 or 50% of the country's total employment and income. Weather it be directly through trade goods or indirectly through transport and packaging companies. With these trade lines free of barriers. One of Canada's major trading partners is the United States of America. The U.S.A. receives close to 75% of all goods and services exported. On the other side of the coin, 70% …

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…they demand more to meet their needs we are their supply it, witch adds money to the circular flow. Finally, free trade allows business firms to venture out into the United States to conduct business without facing penalties. Thus, making their business more profitable, allowing them to invest in more and increase production. This increase in production requires more factors of production, such as labour. Free trade truly has contributed positively to the Canadian economy.