Canada's Demographic Future, Is Immigration The Key?

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
"What we're seeing now is demographics which are really driven more and more by immigration." -Dough Norris, director general of Statistics Canada. For the first time in history, Canada is facing a population decline beginning in 2010. Population decline this is happening in a decade where both demographic and economic growth is imperative. From 1996-2001, Canada's population had a 4% (1.2 million) increase in population, making it the lowest 5-year growth rate census taken in Canadian history. Also, …

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…wants to survive. Spoken By: Suzanne Merrier - Policy Analyst - Vanier Institute For Canadian Family's - Spoken By: Elinor Caplan - Canada's Immigration Minister Spoken By: Daniel Stoffman - Co-author: Boom, Bust and Echo... Spoken By: Natalie Portman - Journalist