Canada in the 1920's

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Political <Tab/>After the first world war Canada started to become more independent from the British empire. At the imperial conference in 1921, prime minister Arthur Meighen opposed a British plan for renewing the alliance with Japan. This decision was based strongly on the American opposition. In 1922, a diplomatic crisis occurred in Turkey, the Canadians did not help, this showed their growing independence. The prime minister let the parliament decide, but by …

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…wider range of people, mostly non-protestants, both Canadian born and immigrants. Saskatchewan was the main area of the Klan activity. <Tab/>The Canadian automobile industry boomed in the 1920's. Before the war, cars were expensive and flimsy, but after, many improvements were made. Price wise and quality wise. Before a car was made at the average time of 14 hours each, but with mass production each car could be made in 93 minutes.