Canada and Brain Drain

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Pages: 10
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Brain drain refers to the loss of skilled intellectual and technical labour through the movement of such labour to more favourable geographic, economic or professional environments. The Brain Drain of skilled workers to the United States is a very real problem confronting Canada today. However, even though Canada does suffer from the Brain Drain, this problem has been grossly overrated and can be dealt with effectively through intelligent and timely government intervention. Such intervention could …

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…global competitiveness and the standard of living of its citizens is not lost to the United States. The fact that the federal and provincial governments can also do much by way of lowering taxes, increasing wages and benefits, and improving specific industries that have high worker depletion rates also reduces the scale and degree of the problem. Overall, the brain drain is one of the relatively minor problems facing Canada and has been greatly exaggerated.