Can you hear it? Did the 20's roar or not?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
By any definition, you would have to say that, yes; the 1920s was a decade that roared. The noises of new Ford automobiles exhaust pipes. Families playing together, laughing together, and enjoying the family life. The crowd cheering on the Toronto Maple Leafs during another thrilling game of Canadian hockey. Women laughing as they finally achieved the freedom so long denied to them. Canada was roaring it's new found sense of independence and self. The …

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…tough times in our history, but we always pull through. The Great Depression of 1929 and the 1930s had us caught in its grip, but we never lost our sense of independence and playfulness. Now we live in a country with a solid economy and a welcoming community. We publicly, loudly, and proudly, roar through the media and in our every day lives " I AM CANADIAN" - and we'll never stop roaring. Can you hear it?