Can the world be rid of terrorism without damaging the civil rights of citizens?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
It will take the world a long time to realize the full meaning of the events of September 11. Even as the United States wages its war on terrorism, the rest of us still struggle to understand the impact of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. In uncertain times, it's easy for bad ideas to gain merit. Consider these: The US needs to shed idealism for revenge. Intelligence agencies must be unleashed, assassinations resumed …

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…The Law. McGraw, Hill Ryerson Ltd., London, Ontario Dickerson, Mark O and Flanagan, Thomas An Introduction to government and Politics ITP Nelson, Scarborough, Ont. "Microsoft." Encarta 98 Encyclopedia Deluxe Edition. CD-ROM. 1998 "Microsoft." Bookshelf. CD-ROM. 1998 Usher, Rd - Times Magazine, October 2000, A Rationale for Murder, pg 39