Can Technologies determine modern social customs and ethics?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
After industrial revolution, the second technological revolution, and more recently, digital revolution, technology nowadays is enjoying such a high level of development and is keeping its blinding pace to evolve forward. Manifest as the groundbreaking breakthroughs engendered by technology are, people are inclined to favor that technology are juggernaut in reforming any aspect of our society, social customs and ethics included. While admitting the unstoppable force of technology in transforming or determining outlooks of science, …

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…technology ever since any technological breakthrough's nativity. Even a glimpse of the currently impediments that human cloning technology is confronting, one will come to realize the influence of ethics upon technology. In sum, technology is not an omnipotent being that can influence everything. Rather, most of the time, technology and its bearers are interactive, exerting mutual influence upon each other. But ethics is abnormal, it reject any influence from technology and conversely, determine technology's development.