Cameras Spot Red-Light Runners

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Despite the fancy sensors and the latest technology, about half of red-light runners caught by high-tech cameras at certain busy intersections elude citations. Even so, cities are adding the cameras at a rapid pace, arguing that despite limitations, the cameras are reducing accidents and prompting motorists to think twice before gunning through red lights. The sophisticated systems--triggered by a motorist's speed when a light turns from yellow to red--began cropping up across Southern California four …

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…feasibly handle. That means most intersections get no camera monitoring at all. But some experts are convinced there can be a "halo effect," in which seeing a camera at one intersection makes a motorist more careful at the next corner. Especially if you've received a red-light ticket. Like Crapo, the Saddleback Valley football coach. "I don't even run yellow lights now," he said. "The cameras do make a difference; they have with me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**