Cambodia & Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Khmer Rouge is a totalitarian society that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The regime, in which its leader was guerrilla commander Pol Pot, rose to power after years of guerrilla warfare. While it ruled, the regime was the cause of many deaths; by murders, worked to death or killed by starvation and around 1.7 million Cambodians died. The Khmer Rouge forces launched a national insurgency across Cambodia in 1968, whilst North Vietnam sheltered the Khmer Rouge. This made …

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…The extent of the rule of Rouge Khmer came to an end in 1978, when the ever-increasing fights between the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese soldiers grew to a major war. The Rouge Khmer and its forces eventually lost, and the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia, and pretty soon the whole of Cambodia was controlled by the Vietnamese, and thus forcing the small remnants of the totalitarian regime of Khmer Rouge to escape flee and fight another day.