Cambodia: War, Political Turmoil, and the Khmer Rouge as a Significant Source of Change.

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Cambodia 1 Running Head: Cambodia Cambodia: War, Political Turmoil, and the Khmer Rouge as a Significant Source of Change SOC 352 - Social Change Cambodia 2 Cambodia: War, Political Turmoil, and the Khmer Rouge as a Significant Source of Change The most significant source of social change in Cambodia in contemporary times is the rule of Pol Pot and the Khmers Rouges from 1975-1978. Their Communist Party of Kampuchea torn the country apart with war, genocide, and corruption. …

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…April 14, 2003 from McMichael, P. (2000). Development and Social Change. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press Prisoners at S-21 Prison. (2003). Retrieved from the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies University of Minnesota Symonds, P. & McLaughlin M. (1998). The death of Pol Pot. Retrieved April 8, 2003 from