Cambodia Report

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Cambodia is a small country located in Southeast Asia. The countries Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam border it on three sides and the Gulf of Thailand borders it on the fourth. Buddhism is the predominant religion in Cambodia. It is a home of many ancient statues, such as the Tower of Bayon, in Angkor Thom. The education in Cambodia is poor, as the students only have to go to school from the ages of six to …

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…attractions in Cambodia are Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. Angkor Wat is a temple mountain, like Bayon. A temple mountain is a monument whose purpose was to associate the king with his personal deity. Angkor Thom is a large walled area in which Bayon is located. Bayon has many different statues and towers, all which stand for a different person or god. For example, Jayavarman the seventh created Bayon's giant faces to stand for bodhisattva.