"Call of The Wild"

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
The outside of civilization is an escape from Buck's fears, because the wild for him is survival, and the threat of intimacy exists, where he must learn to trust others for survival. In "Call of the Wild", Buck's wolfish heredity is brought to the forefront when he is unexpectedly thrown into the harsh and alien world of Klondike. On the first night in Dyea beach, "He had been suddenly jerked from the heart of civilization …

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…and began to whine for mercy." Buck had demanded that Spitz would be punished, but since he wasn't, Buck decided to do it himself. Buck also, at this point, grows hatred for Sol-leks. Buck fights for freedom, but also survival, when he faces the ultimate danger of the wild. In conclusion, Buck survives through the harsh world of Klondike, while also learning the important and essential skills of survival of the fittest, trust and freedom.