Call for Freedom: Analysis on I am Joaquin, Necessary to Protect Ourselves

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Call for Freedom From the days pilgrims first kissed the land so rich, to the days they proclaimed the songs of liberty, America was indeed "the land of the free," as Francis Scott Key once said. Those who flocked to America had the same dreams of freedom which they have been denied the right of in their mother land. They came to America with the pursuit of happiness. Once they obtained their happiness, their new …

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…that tells one to cause an uprising, which in the end might not be the most effective way to go. With much evaluation and contrast, it can be seen that the most effective call for freedom using appeals to ones emotional side is I am Joaquin. The "loaded language" rich in meanings and vivid imagery persuades one to go make a difference, a difference that is not only beneficial to themselves, but to generations after.